Floating Tea Cup With Plastic Bottle

Floating Tea Cup With Plastic Bottle

Floating Tea Cup With Plastic Bottle | Cara Membuat Cangkir Tumpah dengan Botol Plastik Bahan : - Botol plastik - Tali - Kardus - Kain flanel - Renda - Kawat - Bunga artificial Kalian bisa beli bahan dan peralatan craft di link dibawah ini ⬇️ BAHAN CRAFT : Akrilik Bunga https://shp.ee/nab9ed7 Benang Woll https://shp.ee/fqbqfcp Busa Hati https://shp.ee/62vu4up Busa Glitter https://shp.ee/yppda4p Benang Emas/Perak https://shp.ee/u6a9ye7 Busa Gabus https://shp.ee/d7g38z7 Busa Kering https://shp.ee/7dnyye7 Bubuk Glitter https://shp.ee/tdssqx7 Cangkang Kopong https://shp.ee/5vfv3w7 Cat Akrilik https://shp.ee/bscduep Cat Semprot https://shp.ee/bmnnvgp Diamond Tikar https://shp.ee/9bcqgg7 Dakron https://shp.ee/xb4p7d7 Floral Tape Coklat https://shp.ee/ey2zng7 Kain Flanel https://shp.ee/imxzzzp Kain Katun https://shp.ee/9qwuh3p Kain Katun Motif https://shp.ee/v6dxksp Kain Tile https://shp.ee/jevh4gp Kertas Bufallo https://shp.ee/gukbuqp Kawat Bunga https://shp.ee/9edhkw7 Kawat Stocking https://shp.ee/pyikss7 Kawat Roll https://shp.ee/2jzxig7 Kawat Bulu https://shp.ee/xddcu27 Lilin Elektrik https://shp.ee/kzyjqdx Mutiara Sintetis https://shp.ee/43gcc6p Mutiara Belah https://shp.ee/9d2md7p Mutiara Renteng https://shp.ee/a2t3bbp Mutiara Renteng Silver https://shp.ee/wza56dp Mutiara Belah Renteng https://shp.ee/vug5rpp Pita Satin https://shp.ee/ubz2md7 Pita Grosgrain Motif https://shp.ee/sddctv7 Pita Organdi https://shp.ee/ch5c9q7 Pita Hias https://shp.ee/uj7rch7 Parel Motif https://shp.ee/8g34za7 Rantai https://shp.ee/9amt2j7 Renda Rajut https://shp.ee/b2va9a7 Renda Pompom https://shp.ee/8w549g7 Sticker Manik https://shp.ee/8aike9p Selotip Bunga Hijau https://shp.ee/gwnam47 Stoking https://shp.ee/3dr2rn7 Stik Es Krim https://shp.ee/5bcsmh7 Stik Bambu / Tusuk Sate https://shp.ee/mraqjf7 Tali Katun https://shp.ee/eprs3np Tali Kur Bangkok https://shp.ee/y4c3jqp Tali Kur https://shp.ee/9q6sh6p Tinta Timbul https://shp.ee/x97pbs7 Washi Tape https://shp.ee/hnzdep7 PERALATAN CRAFT : Cutting Matt https://shp.ee/xvem4p7 Cutter Merah https://shp.ee/qnut3k7 Gunting Kain https://shp.ee/px84gm7 Gunting Lengkung https://shp.ee/2hyyyv7 Guntung Zigzag https://shp.ee/h6mwjp7 Jangka https://shp.ee/vgzmup7 Kuas https://shp.ee/d5bp2p7 Lem Tembak https://shp.ee/5qzw6b7 Lem Lilin https://shp.ee/mawyq57 Lem Putih https://shp.ee/jjq5pn7 Peralatan Jahit Set https://shp.ee/8ge34r7 Plaster Kertas https://shp.ee/6j59rv7 Pen Cutter https://shp.ee/yamc8e7 Spidol https://shp.ee/p5if5r7 Tang Potong Kawat https://shp.ee/ub9rxj7 Tang Set https://shp.ee/nbd6jx7 Untuk cara membuatnya silahkan simak tutorialnya di video, terima kasih sudah menonton

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